Spades Scorekeeper |
Spades Scorekeeper
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Scorekeeping utility for the classic card game of Spades

Spades Scorekeeper allows users to keep score for the classic card game of Spades. Because many groups have varying "House Rules", Spades Scorekeeper allows users to specify the following optional rules:

1. Is zero a valid bid?

2. Do overtricks carry over?

3. Do overtricks count if Double Nil is failed?

4. Is a 200+ lead required to bid Blind Nil?

5. Can both players bid Blind Nil?

Spades Scorekeeper also attempts to detect invalid hands (forgetting to enter bids and/or not taking all 13 tricks) and does not allow you to start the next hand if the current or a previous hand is invalid. Me & my friends have all found this app very useful, and it is always nice to be able to play by just grabbing a deck of cards without searching for a paper & pen to keep score, and because the rules can be customized, you can be sure that this app will work for you even if you play with multiple groups of people!


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