Mr mouse |
Mr mouse
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Eat, build, run, it shares with your friends and it competes at world level.

Mr mouse a grandiose videotape game for all the ages where the user can enjoy several videotape classic and addictive games where the user will compete with his puntaje at world level to demonstrate who is the best in this videotape game.

In the version pay of Mr.mouse the user has access to everything without necessity of using a virtual currency that is free in the version that it is Mr.mouse free it is currency the user he acquires it playing.

Something innovative and curious of Mr.Mouse it is that the user used the accelerate-meter of the cellular one.


Mr mouse this translated six languages that are: Spanish, English, German, Portuguese, French and Russian.

Construction labyrinth:

The user can build his labyrinth personalizing to the pleasure of him.


The videotape game manages a completely gratuitous virtual store where the user can choose the different characters, the walls and to personalize the console of the videotape internal games of the application.


The game consists with a complete and easy menu of configuring that it is: pause button, button of continuing, button menu, button to configure sound, button levels, button to keep departure, button to load departure, button árcade, button spreads, button to leave, button to build labyrinth, button world puntajes and button social nets.


The videotape game consists with 100 different levels.

To share:

The user can share by means of a screen capture in the different social nets.


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